New experimental sites and programs for 2020

As part of the objectives of Brainwave-JCP (alias Joël Caserus), its programs and new sites for 2020, look for several ways to be able to deploy, host and publish experimental sites (*) and its assets on the Web, taking has particular regard to the security restrictions and specific features of certain browsers. Project link 1 : Experimental Push Menu

Technologies Web Part 1

JeelizFaceFilter Javascript / WebGL Bibliothèque de suivi de visage léger Javascript / WebGL conçue pour les filtres de webcam en réalité augmentée. Caractéristiques: détection de visages multiples, rotation, ouverture de la bouche. Divers exemples d'intégration sont fournis (Three.js, Babylon.js, FaceSwap, Canvas2D, CSS3D ...). C Il est ensuite possible de superposer du contenu 3D pour des applications de réalité augmentée. Interfacé avec des moteurs 3D comme THREE.JS, BABYLON.JS, A-FRAME.

Project link 2 : Technologies Web pour applications Part 1


Cat detection

The cat face is detected in real time, in your browser.

Project link 3 : The cat face is detected in real time,in your browser, using JeelizAR.


Audiovisual data processing and concept training

An online platform, integrating and combining spatial sounds, 2 or 3D images, music and several advanced technologies, including, in particular audio technology, dedicated to research and development of new audio and / or visual experiences on the Web. Can combine environments, real, alternative realities (AR / VR), 2 and 3D, as well as images and / or video. From audio and / or visual data processing to multimodal information, to the formation of new concepts.

Project link 4 : Audiovisual data processing and concept training
